Improved Reliability
The American Albatros is the best L-39 available but it is not a new or even a rebuilt aircraft. In choosing what to rebuild and what to leave alone we carefully weighed benefits against cost in order to produce a safe and reliable plane at a reasonable price. We chose not to touch the many hydraulic actuators and valves but rebuilt the accumulators as we have seen them fail. All flight controls and their bearings are inspected and replaced when needed while the components making up the landing gear logic are left as is. We carefully inspect the cockpit glass for crazing and have stringent criteria for replacement. Pressurization seals, dump valve, and its controller are only tested for functionality. Trim motors are left stock and so are the bleed air valves. The ACM is serviced and inspected but we do not consider a rebuild to add value.
Our first plane ( S/N #1 ) has logged several hundred hard flying hours with dozens of airshows with no undue maintenance issues. S/N #2 is approaching 100 hours and is also performing well.